/* Localizable.strings Where Am I Created by Dawn Endico on 8/4/08. Copyright 2008 Dawn Endico. All rights reserved. Spanish translation by Miquel Vera http://migeo.blogspot.com/ */ /* Instructions: Text located between the / * and * / markers are comments which you should not translate. Comments are for example text or instructions like this. In the file header replace the 'Translation by' info with your name with your email address so I can contact you, plus a URL (if you have one) which I'll include in the credits. You only need to translate the right hand side of equations like this: for example: "EMAIL_MESSAGE_SUBJECT" = "Here I Am"; in Spanish becomes "EMAIL_MESSAGE_SUBJECT" = "Estoy Aquí"; Do not change the string "%.0f". This is a symbol that will be converted by the program into a number. The string "%@" will be converted to the name of the device the program is running on. for example, the string: "My %@ says I'm within %.0f meters of here:"; could be converted to: My iPhone says I'm within 47 meters of here: This is a copy of the localization file for Spanish. It contains the original English strings as comments. Replace the Spanish text with the text for your language. Please don't remove any comments since its easier for me to test if I have the text for both English and your language side by side. */ /* "WAIT_MESSAGE_LABEL" = "Determining your location"; */ "WAIT_MESSAGE_LABEL" = "Determinando su Ubicación"; /* "ACCURACY_LABEL_FORMAT" = "Accuracy: %.0f meters"; */ "ACCURACY_LABEL_FORMAT" = "Exactitud: %.0f metros"; /* "EMAIL_MESSAGE_SUBJECT" = "Here I am"; */ "EMAIL_MESSAGE_SUBJECT" = "Estoy Aquí"; /* "EMAIL_MESSAGE_BODY" = "My %@ thinks I'm somewhere around here:"; */ "EMAIL_MESSAGE_BODY" = "Mi %@ ha determinado que estoy cerca de este punto:"; /* "EMAIL_MESSAGE_BODY_RELIABLE" = "My %@ says I'm within %.0f meters of here:"; */ "EMAIL_MESSAGE_BODY_RELIABLE" = "Mi %@ ha calculado que estoy dentro de un radio de %.0f metros de este punto:"; /* "ERROR_NULL_LOCATION_TITLE" = "Null Location"; */ "ERROR_NULL_LOCATION_TITLE" = "Ubicación Nula"; /* "ERROR_NULL_LOCATION_MESSAGE" = "The %@ was unable to determine your location. If this continues, try rebooting your phone."; */ "ERROR_NULL_LOCATION_MESSAGE" = "El %@ no pudo determinar su ubicación. Si esto continúa, reinicie el equipo."; /* "ERROR_LOCATION_DENIED_TITLE" = "Permission Denied"; */ "ERROR_LOCATION_DENIED_TITLE" = "Permiso Denegado"; /* 'Location Services' and 'Reset Location Warnings' are two settings on the iPhone. You should probably use the same wording here as the phone uses in your lanugage. To find them: 1. On the home screen, open the application called Settings 2. Choose the item called General 3. One of the items on the General screen is Location Services and it can be On or Off. 4. At the bottom of the General screen is an item called 'Reset'. 5. The item at the bottom of the Reset screen is an item that says 'Reset Location Warnings'. See also: http://iphone.tafoni.net/whereami/localize-help.html */ /* "ERROR_LOCATION_DENIED_MESSAGE" = "This app needs permission to access your current location. Make sure your Location Services setting is enabled. If not, try resetting your Location Warnings."; */ "ERROR_LOCATION_DENIED_MESSAGE" = "Esta aplicación necesita autorización para determinar su ubicación. Asegúrese que la opción Ubicación esté activada. De lo contrario, pruebe la opción Restaurar Advertencias Ubic."; /* "ERROR_UNKNOWN_LOCATION_TITLE" = "Unknown Location"; */ "ERROR_UNKNOWN_LOCATION_TITLE" = "Ubicación Desconocida"; /* "ERROR_UNKNOWN_LOCATION_MESSAGE" = "The %@ was unable to determine your location. Make sure you are connected to the network"; */ "ERROR_UNKNOWN_LOCATION_MESSAGE" = "El %@ no pudo determinar su ubicación. Asegúrese que está conectado a la red."; /* "ERROR_UNKNOWN_TITLE" = "Oops"; */ "ERROR_UNKNOWN_TITLE" = "Oops"; /* "ERROR_UNKNOWN_MESSAGE" = "If you're reading this message then you've found a bug. Please report it"; */ "ERROR_UNKNOWN_MESSAGE" = "Si está leyendo este mensaje, es porque ha encontrado un error. Por favor repórtelo."; /* "ERROR_GENERIC_TITLE" = "Error"; */ "ERROR_GENERIC_TITLE" = "Error"; /* "YES" = "Yes"; */ "YES" = "Sí"; /* "NO" = "No" */ "NO" = "No"; /* Title of button to dismiss alert screens containing error messages "OK" = "OK"; */ "OK" = "OK"; /* "3G?" = "Is this an iPhone 3G?"; */ "3G?" = "¿Es este un iPhone 3G?"; /* From the settings bundle Translate the english phrases on the left hand side of the equals sign. There is a limited space to display these settings so keep the text short. Try not to go longer than about 25 characters. */ //"Subject" = "Asunto"; //"Message" = "Mensaje"; //"Message Customization" = "Editar Mensaje"; //"This device has GPS" = "Este equipo tiene GPS"; //"Yes" = "Sí"; //"No" = "No"; //"Unknown" = "Desconocido";